ThomDietrich/miflora-mqtt-daemon integration

Kernald opened this issue · 0 comments

I have this daemon running on a Pi Zero W which, sometimes, locks up entirely. Sometimes, I move plants around, and the sensors are out of BT range. All in all, I sometimes lose a sensor and I have no easy way to detect that - there's some data on the MQTT broker, but it might be stale, as there's no date information pushed, as far as I'm aware. (and other similar services, it just happens to be the one I already use) could be a good way to monitor that kind of issues - it works by setting an expected delay between pings, and send notifications if one isn't received. The caller can also report an actual failure (e.g. if a sensor hasn't been reached in a x attempts). The API is really simple:

What do you think about adding this kind of monitoring?