
Stuck sensor

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Happend 3 times now, random sensor get stuck. Guess because of failed communication (like this?
basnijholt/miflora#48) and/or failed unpairing/disconnect. Restarting my Py helped. Anybody else?

Hey, you most certainly need to clarify "get stuck" :)
The sensor is not reachable any longer? The daemon stops working? The RPi went up in flames? 💥

sry :D not reachable. The daemon is still running and collecting data from the other sensors.
While thinking about it, i could have restarted the daemon while connected to this sensor.. so the daemon didnt close the connection... in addition, the daemon is running in pm2... A routine where to check if the gattool is rdy was in discussion right? Or maybe the daemon could close the connections on start? Mostly its (again) my fault..

No connection is held open. Every polling cycle the connection to a sensor is established from zero. Did you try positioning the sensor better? The successrate in log should give you an idea.

Btw. the miflora library now finally includes a better way of communicating with the sensors via bluepy thanks to @ChristianKuehnel I'm expecting a overall smoother operation of the daemon after switching over to that backend.
I am currently preoccupied, the daemon is doing its basic task and "winter is coming", so please do not expect any major changes to the daemon in the next couple of weeks.

maybe its a problem with the bluetooth from my rpiZw. The daemon is running and suddenly no connections can be established. This time all stopped responding at 16.16pm.. the daemon is running in pm2 process manager. Had to close and restart your daemon. Weird... thanks for your work, can be closed i guess.