
MQTT Push - Topic not case sensitive

netcat-2000 opened this issue · 2 comments

I use a case sensitive written topic for mqtt - in config.ini it is written with case sensitive - when mqtt push is done the broker receive it in lower case only. Other systems support case sensitive and all data are under the correct topic - but not miflora - it always has an extra topic - with the same name - but in lower case only.
Can you fix this so the mqtt push is using case sensitive for the topic?
Thank you

You need to be more specific. In many cases the transformation to lower() is intentional.

I use a case sensitive written topic

Are you talking about the base topic? Which reporting_method?

i fully aggree - i was a bit lazy in details and on my mobile. I use MQTT mosquitto broker as broker together with Home Assistant - all on Docker. I am not a developer but i reviewed your code and have see all the "lower" statements. And i still use upper chars (old skool german). No worries at all - i already switch to a lowercase mqqt topic for that client and now all data are in one tenant . I really do not need to have a differentiation possibility in myflora.
Thanks for your feedback - i think we can close this thread.