
A highly parallel raytracing code in C++ using MPI

Primary LanguageC++


A simple code to calculate geodesics using a given space-time using MPI to accelerate. It can just create geodesic traces or render pictures of simple geometries positioned in space-time. ( See example below )

Getting Started

To run the example to calculate Null-geodesics around a schwarzschild Black Hole

$ Examples/0_SimpleGeodesicBlackHole
$ make && ./main
$ python plot.py

To run the expensive render as shown above

$ cd Examples/3_RenderParallel/
$ make 
$ mpirun -n 4 ./main
$ sh get_png.sh


Here we use

  • GNU Make
  • C++ with version 14 or higher ** MPI ** GSL
  • ImageMagick
  • python 2.7 or higher