
Manage cookie and generate a cookie popup the user can accept

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Oxid Cookie Manager


Implement the cookie manager solution with popup. Manage all cookies you need in the oxid admin. Add code snippets simply without template changes. Enable/Disable cookies based on the language the user select in the shop frontend. Goup cookies, define required cookies. The system create a popup automaticly.

There are two predefinied cookies and groups which repesent the standard google implementation and the shop cookies. The system use the oxid implementation of google analytics shipped with the oxid shop.

For the legal security we do not take over guarantee!

Technic behind:

If the user enter the page the first time, the system test if a special cookie set on the computer the user use. If no cookie present, the system won`t display cookies the system manage. The system collect all information and display a popup to the user where he can select cookies he like to allow. After the user agree the cookie settings, the page will reload and display only the cookies the user allowed. For this, a cookie will save on the computer the user use to identify in the future if the user agreed or not. In the database, the modul save the settings the user make, so in the future it will only add the cookies to the page which agreed by the user.

The module, if enabled, deactivate the standard oxid cookie popup.

This extension was created for Oxid 6.x. (Wave theme)


"oxid-formedit" module required.

Good to know

In the cookie manager group you can setup a customer id. This id you can ask in the code to know if a user accept that cookie or not. This is usefull if you need to write a module where the user have to accept cookies first like embeded videos....

    $accepted = \rs\cookiemanager\Core\rs_cookie_manager::userAcceptCookieGroup('#CUSTOMERID#');


  1. Copy module into following directory

  2. Add following to composer.json on the shop root

     "autoload": {
         "psr-4": {
             "rs\\cookiemanager\\": "./source/modules/rs/cookiemanager"
  3. Refresh autoloader files with composer in the oxid root directory.

     composer dump-autoload
  4. Execute following statments on the database

     CREATE TABLE `rs_cookie_manager` (
     `oxid` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
     `f_rs_cookie_manager_group` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
     `rsactive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
     `rsident` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL,
     `rstitle` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL,
     `rstitle_1` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL,
     `rstitle_2` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL,
     `rsdescription` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL,
     `rsdescription_1` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL,
     `rsdescription_2` text,
     PRIMARY KEY (`oxid`),
     KEY `f_rs_cookie_manager_group` (`f_rs_cookie_manager_group`)
     CREATE TABLE `rs_cookie_manager_group` (
     `oxid` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
     `rsident` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL,
     `rstitle` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL,
     `rstitle_1` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL,
     `rstitle_2` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL,
     `rsdescription` text,
     `rsdescription_1` text,
     `rsdescription_2` text,
     `rsrequired` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
     `rsorder` int(11) DEFAULT '0',
     PRIMARY KEY (`oxid`)
     CREATE TABLE `rs_cookie_manager_item` (
     `oxid` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
     `f_rs_cookie_manager` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
     `rsactive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
     `rsactive_1` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
     `rsactive_2` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
     `rsview_classes` text,
     `rsplace1` text,
     `rsplace3` text,
     `rsplace2` text,
     PRIMARY KEY (`oxid`),
     KEY `f_rs_cookie_manager` (`f_rs_cookie_manager`)
     CREATE TABLE `rs_cookie_manager_track` (
     `oxid` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
     `rscreated` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
     `rscookie_id` char(50) DEFAULT NULL,
     `f_rs_cookie_manager` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
     `rsshopid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
     `rslanguageid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
     `rsallow` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
     PRIMARY KEY (`oxid`),
     KEY `f_rs_cookie_manager` (`f_rs_cookie_manager`)
     INSERT INTO `rs_cookie_manager_group` (`oxid`, `rsident`, `rstitle`, `rstitle_1`, `rstitle_2`, `rsdescription`, `rsdescription_1`, `rsdescription_2`, `rsrequired`, `rsorder`) 
     ('rs_nessesary', 'Notwendig', 'Notwendige Cookies', NULL, NULL, 'Diese Cookies sind für den Betrieb der Seite unbedingt notwendig.', NULL, NULL, 1, 0),
     ('rs_statistic', 'Statistik', 'Statistik', NULL, NULL, 'Um unser Artikelangebot weiter zu verbessern, erfassen wir anonymisierte Daten für Statistiken und Analysen.\r\n\r\nAufgrund dieser Statistiken können wir unsere Angebot für Sie optimieren.', NULL, NULL, 0, 1);
     INSERT INTO `rs_cookie_manager` (`oxid`, `f_rs_cookie_manager_group`, `rsactive`, `rsident`, `rstitle`, `rstitle_1`, `rstitle_2`, `rsdescription`, `rsdescription_1`, `rsdescription_2`) 
     ('rs_google_analytics', 'rs_statistic', 1, 'Google analytics', 'Google analytics', NULL, NULL, 'Wir können Ihnen personalisierte Inhalte, passend zu Ihren Interessen anzuzeigen.\r\n\r\nSomit können wir Ihnen Angebote präsentieren, die für Sie besonders relevant sind.', NULL, NULL),
     ('rs_shop', 'rs_nessesary', 1, 'Shop', 'Shop system', NULL, NULL, 'Das Shop system speichert in diesen Cookies z.B. den Inhalt Ihres Warenkorbs oder Ihre Spracheinstellung.\r\n\r\nNotwendige Cookies können nicht deaktiviert werden, da unser Shop ansonsten nicht funktionieren würde.', NULL, NULL);
     ALTER TABLE `rs_cookie_manager_group` ADD `rscustomer_id` VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT NULL; 
  5. Make following changes template changes:

    1. /source/Application/views/wave/tpl/layout/base.tpl right before </head>

       [{* rs cookie manager start *}]
       [{block name="rscookiemanager1"}][{/block}]
       [{* rs cookie manager end *}]
    2. /source/Application/views/wave/tpl/layout/base.tpl right after <body ...>

       <body class="cl-[{$oView->getClassName()}][{if $smarty.get.plain == '1'}] popup[{/if}][{if $blIsCheckout}] is-checkout[{/if}][{if $oxcmp_user && $oxcmp_user->oxuser__oxpassword->value}] is-logged-in[{/if}]">
       [{* rs cookie manager *}]
       [{block name="rscookiemanager2"}][{/block}]
       [{* rs cookie manager end *}]
    3. /source/Application/views/wave/tpl/layout/base.tpl right before </body>

       [{* rs cookie manager *}]
       [{block name="rscookiemanager3"}][{/block}]
       [{* rs cookie manager end *}]
    4. Add to your CMS-Page where you describe the cookie police following link:

       <a href="" onclick="return rs_cookie_manager_popup_open();">Cookie policy<a>
    5. Create a new CMS-Page where you can add a text above the cookie selection. The CMS-Ident is "rs_cookiemanager_popup_desc". An example is:

       Wir verwenden Cookies, um Ihnen ein optimales Einkaufserlebnis zu bieten.
       Einige Cookies sind technisch notwendig, andere dienen zu anonymen Statistikzwecken.
       Entscheiden Sie bitte selbst, welche Cookies Sie akzeptieren.
  6. Add following code into "modules/functions.php" at the end of the file

     /* rs cookiemanager */
     include __DIR__."/rs/cookiemanager/oxfunction.php";
  7. Enable module in the oxid admin area, Extensions => Modules

  8. Rebuild views, clear complete cache.