The function "getRawInfrared()" does not exist
13ob opened this issue · 1 comments
13ob commented
In Processing 3.2.2 and Kinect v2 for Processing 0.7.8
Thanks a lot!!
13ob commented
I read the "read me":
"Raw Data is only available for the color, depth ad bodytrack frames/images. Once the frames are activated just call them.
//raw Data int valeus from [0 - 4500]
int [] rawData = kinect.getRawDepthData();
//values for [0 - 256] strip
int [] rawData256 = kinect.getRawDepth256Data();
//raw body data 0-6 users 255 nothing
int [] rawData = kinect.getRawBodyTrack();
//unpacket color values
int [] colorRaw = kinect.getRawColor();"