
[Bug][1.3.3] web based user / password manager does not work

swingstate opened this issue · 8 comments

Tried with both 1.3.3 and after updating to 1.3.5 - Changes made to the admin account are not saved when pressing the "ok" button.

Also tried kvmd-htpasswd in the ssh terminal, but apparently that package isn't included in the image? -bash: kvmd-htpasswd: command not found is what I got back.

changing BLIKVM password in the ssh terminal worked.

@ThomasVon2021 Can you share a working process to change the admin password?

Okay, I will test it. Kvmd htpasswd is definitely not available, it is not a service of blikvm os.

My test is effective. After clicking OK, restart KVM, close the current web window, and open a new window.

Is there an option for extended logging which I could enable to trace the issue on my end?

Is there an option for extended logging which I could enable to trace the issue on my end?

Upgrading to 1.3.9 should solve your problem. I have found a bug. Can you conduct upgrade testing and provide me with feedback?

I did the upgrade through the shell script and could change the password for admin. However, when I then clicked the "reboot KVM" button in the webinterface, the KVM didn't come back online and I had to power cycle it. Something users should be aware or this should be looked at.

I now can login with the new password.

Ok, if you don't update, can you click the reboot again to test? I test it, and later when I refresh Windows, it will recover.

running 1.3.9 now and reboot works, takes approx. 20 - 25 seconds. Should be ok now, however the reboot during the upgrade didn't work. Maybe this is worth checking.