
[1.4.5-alpha] SSH Webterminal not working

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I tried to use the Terminal in the webbrowser but get following error:

Connection failed, Please check your account and password information, then you can refresh and try again.

The log says:

SSH CONNECTION ERROR: All configured authentication methods failed.

Do I need to enable the web terminal somewhere?

You change the ssh username or password, right? If you do it, you need to change the /mnt/exec/release/config/app.json

Thanks, are you planing to document these necessary configuration steps in the wiki/docu and would you consider to move away from storing plain text passwords in the configuration files?

Wiki was added. About text passwords, can you open a new issue for it? So When we do it, you will know.

Wiki was added. About text passwords, can you open a new issue for it? So When we do it, you will know.

I created issue
[Enhancement] [1.4.7-alpha] Enhance Secret Management: Move Away from Storing Plain-Text Passwords in Configuration Files