
Swift4: build failure

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Hi @Thomvis,

I have just take back my migration process to swift4. There is a strange issue when building the project:

.../project/Pods/BrightFutures/Sources/BrightFutures/InvalidationToken.swift:33:76: error: var 'DefaultThreadingModel' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value
    public func validContext(_ parentContext: @escaping ExecutionContext = DefaultThreadingModel()) -> ExecutionContext {
.../project/Pods/BrightFutures/Sources/BrightFutures/ExecutionContext.swift:70:5: note: var 'DefaultThreadingModel' is not public
var DefaultThreadingModel: ThreadingModel = defaultContext

Each time DefaultThreadingModel is used as a default argument, there is an error.
Did you face the same issue ? Do you have a fix for it ?

Neveming, I forgot to do a pod update to retrieve the last version of BrightFuture.
Work like a charm !