Type infer error at implement of Poly1 in differentiable-indarray
izhangzhihao opened this issue · 0 comments
izhangzhihao commented
That should compile
implicit def optimizer: Optimizer = new LearningRate {
def currentLearningRate() = 1
val weight: Do[Borrowing[Tape.Aux[INDArray, INDArray]]] = (Nd4j.ones(4, 4) * 10).toWeight
def myNetwork(input: INDArray) : Do[Borrowing[Tape.Aux[INDArray, INDArray]]] = {
but actually not:
Error:(429, 11) type mismatch;
found : weight.type (with underlying type com.thoughtworks.raii.asynchronous.Do[com.thoughtworks.raii.ownership.Borrowing[com.thoughtworks.deeplearning.Tape.Aux[org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray,org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray]]])
required: com.thoughtworks.deeplearning.PolyFunctions.abs.ProductCase.Aux[shapeless.HNil,?]
(which expands to) shapeless.poly.Case[com.thoughtworks.deeplearning.PolyFunctions.abs.type,shapeless.HNil]{type Result = ?}
a workaround:
implicit def optimizer: Optimizer = new LearningRate {
def currentLearningRate() = 1
val weight: Do[Borrowing[Tape.Aux[INDArray, INDArray]]] = (Nd4j.ones(4, 4) * 10).toWeight
def myNetwork(input: INDArray) = {
or :
implicit def optimizer: Optimizer = new LearningRate {
def currentLearningRate() = 1
val weight: Do[Borrowing[Tape.Aux[INDArray, INDArray]]] = (Nd4j.ones(4, 4) * 10).toWeight
def myNetwork(input: INDArray) : Do[Borrowing[Tape.Aux[INDArray, INDArray]]] = {
val result = abs(weight)
possible solution:
def abs(a: AnyRef)(implicit c: abs.Case[a.type]): c.Result = c[a.type](a)
to PolyFunctions
, and make Do
be a type Do[A] <:AnyRef