
Redesign comprehension

Atry opened this issue · 3 comments

Atry commented

Currently, for comprehension is considered a way to transform keywords.

For example, the following code are equivalent.

def fetchURL(url: Uri): Future[ByteString] = ???

def fetchScalaWebsite(uriListFuture: Future[List[Uri]]): Future[List[ByteString]] = {
  (for {
    uriList <- Await(uriListFuture)
    uri <- Each(uriList)
    content <- Await(fetchURL(uri))
  } yield content).to[Future[List[ByteString]]]
// Dsl.scala 2.x
def fetchScalaWebsite(uriListFuture: Future[List[Uri]]): Future[List[ByteString]] = reset[Future[List[ByteString]]] {
  val uriList: List[Uri] = !Await(uriListFuture)
  val uri: Uri = !Each(uriList)
  val content: ByteString = !Await(fetchURL(uri))
// Dsl.scala 1.x
def fetchScalaWebsite(uriListFuture: Future[List[Uri]]): Future[List[ByteString]] = {
  val uriList: List[Uri] = !Await(uriListFuture)
  val uri: Uri = !Each(uriList)
  val content: ByteString = !Await(fetchURL(uri))
} : @reset

However, we cannot mix together comprehension and !-notation:

// Dsl.scala 2.x
def fetchScalaWebsite(uriListFuture: Future[List[Uri]]): Future[List[ByteString]] = reset[Future[List[ByteString]]] {
  val uriList: List[Uri] = !Await(uriListFuture)
  val contentList: List[ByteString] =
    for (uri <- Each(uriList)) yield {

Do we want to change the comprehension design to support the above use case?

Atry commented

Continue should be removed and WithFilter needs to refactor to block based

Atry commented

Currently we need manual import of extension methods for comprehension, this is not ideal because manual import could result conflicts with other extension methods. We should let all keywords <: Keyword[Value] to enable comprehension automatically

Atry commented

Implemented. Need documentation.