
Players get banned when banking

Closed this issue · 3 comments

After my players go to the bank to withdraw or deposit money they get banned since it is calling on bank:withdraw and bank:deposit. My temporary fix was removing this code from the anti-cheat itself and it has fixed the issue.

Is there something specific we're supposed to change for this feature?
The script I'm using:

Smart enough to remove feature from AC, but too dumb to change the event on banking? Do you even read the readme's?

What you can do is to rename events in the bank script by putting e.g. tiimon_ before every event.
-- Before

AddEventHandler('bank:result', function(type, message)
	SendNUIMessage({type = 'result', m = message, t = type})

-- After

AddEventHandler('tiimon_bank:result', function(type, message)
	SendNUIMessage({type = 'result', m = message, t = type})

Then the problem is solved and your players won't be banned anymore.

I looked at the even prefixes and skimmed over that one even though it's at the top. I have fixed it since!