
Problem when refreshing a menu while deleting its items.

s1nyx opened this issue · 8 comments

s1nyx commented


I've noticed a bug when I clear the items of a menu and re-add the buttons. If I do that 2 or 3 times It seems like the labels buttons "switch places". For a bit of context, I'm using this code in an admin menu to create a button for each connected player. So I make it refresh each time I come back to the menu named subMenu.

The piece of my code with the bug:

local subMenu = MenuV:CreateMenu("test", "", "topleft", 255, 0, 0, 'size-125', 'default', 'menuv', 'stl_test', 'native')

subMenu:On("open", function (subMenu)

	ESX.TriggerServerCallback('stl:test:getAllPlayers', function(players)
		for k, player in pairs(players) do
			local item = subMenu:AddButton({ label = .. " [ID: " .. k .. "]", value = targetMenu})

			item:On("select", function(item)

So, every other time when I select a button the label print belongs to another button.

You can also add an event while creating an item, like:

subMenu:On("open", function (subMenu)
	ESX.TriggerServerCallback('stl:test:getAllPlayers', function(players)

		for k, player in pairs(players) do
			subMenu:AddButton({ label = ('%s [ID: %s]'):format(, k), value = targetMenu, select = function(i)
			end })

Won't recommend naming a parameter same as a "global/local" defined item, can you try the above code and check if your issue still occur?

s1nyx commented

Yes I know, i was just trying different approaches to see if i could fix it by any way. The issue still occur with your code.
I also noticed that when the problem arises, the active button is not the first (at the very top) but the second. (I only had time to test for 2 entries, I would test on more tomorrow to see if it's still the second or if it's random pick).

Which version are you using, because your issue seems like issue #4 , was fixed in version 1.3

I also made an similar list and had 0 issues

s1nyx commented

I use the last version 1.3 and i've tried to re-install it but it was the same. Here is a video that demonstrate the bug :

I'll see if I can reproduce your issue, I'll get back to you

Right now it seems like calling :ClearItems() before a TriggerServerCallback cause the issue


calling :ClearItems() inside the TriggerServerCallback


Will also make changes to MenuV to solve this problem in the future.

Resource used to reproduce the issue:

s1nyx commented

I've just test it, works perfectly.
Thanks for taking the time to solve this issue.

Your issue will be resolved in the next release 1.4 (coming end this week)