Binary to Decimal

Project to apply Javascript knowledge.


Binary to Decimal 🚀 complete!


Before starting, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine: Git. Besides, it's good to have an editor to work with the code like VSCode

🎯 Goals

  • Getting better at programming in the only way it works...practicing
  • In This project I forced myself to solve this problem without using array, but the most difcult thing was to choose a way to make a alert(not using the method alert) right above the <label> without creating a strange space between the <label> and the <input>, and make it disapear when the user for exemple reset. First thougth was to make a function, but in the end my solution was more simple, I added a <span> to the <label> and by javascript added a text. I learn a lot.

🛠 technologies

The following tools were used in building the project:


Tiago Araujo

Made by Tiago Araujo 👋🏽 contact!

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