Font size not applied to new tabs
Closed this issue · 2 comments
I just played around in TigerJython3 3.0.beta+2 and stumbled upon an issue:
I can configure the font size in the preferences and, for currently open editors, this works fine. However, when restarting TigerJython3, or creating a new document, the file size is back to default, even though the preferences do save the correct font size.
Apart from that small issue: great work, I already prefer this version over the old one.
Thanks for your work.
Thank you very much for the report. I can confirm and reproduce the bug and will look into this as soon as possible. It might be a little while before the next release, though.
I managed to find and correct the bug. However, we will create a new release a bit later, once we managed to also address some other issues.