
multiple FIT files per activity?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

First, thanks for this great contribution for Garmin users on Linux!

After some trial and error, I was able to get everything working with my FR70. One thing that has me confused is the FIT files themselves. Before the first trial copy (from watch to computer), I did 3 sample activities, one of them with splits. That resulted in 9 FIT files. All but three of them, when uploaded to Garmin, said something about being incomplete. The three that successfully uploaded looked like they contained everything that the activity should.

Today, I used the watch with the footpod in place to log actual running data. That resulted in 4 FIT files. One thing I noticed is how many of the seemingly unnecessary FIT files have identical file sizes of 168 B, 138 B, and 499 B. The fourth file was 2.5 KB and had the most recent timestamp, so I uploaded just that one to Garmin. Everything is there. What's with the extra FIT files?? I haven't been able to find any info on that.

p.s. Is there a setting anywhere to delete activities from the watch after retrieving them, like the ANT stick offers on Windows?

I believe the extra FIT files include watch settings and the usually change date/size when I update my FR610. Though this is just my guess.

No setting to delete activities that I'm aware of.

Thanks, that makes sense and would explain why they're the same size usually. I was wondering if they were markers of some sort, like for showing the last time data was accessed. As long as they're not important for uploading activities, I won't worry about them!

I just merged the drivers branch, which uses a new profile structure. This should be a bit more clear now.