A polyfill that allows the use of forEach method on objects the same way it's done with arrays.
where "cb" is a callback function that takes 3 arguments being the current value, the current key and the current object
var foobarbaz = {kfoo: "vfoo", kbar: "vbar", kbaz: "vbaz"};
foobarbaz.forEach((val, key, obj) => console.log(`Object's ${key} is ${val} in ${JSON.stringify(obj)}`));
Will output:
Object's kfoo is vfoo in {"kfoo":"vfoo","kbar":"vbar","kbaz":"vbaz"}
Object's kbar is vbar in {"kfoo":"vfoo","kbar":"vbar","kbaz":"vbaz"}
Object's kbaz is vbaz in {"kfoo":"vfoo","kbar":"vbar","kbaz":"vbaz"}