
Setup HTML test environment

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  • To preview the functionality of our preact component, we have to render it in e.g. a browser
  • But since preact-nominal-allocator is supposed to be later installable with npm install preact-nominal-allocator, we don't want to ship this testing environment in the npm package
  • Hence, we set it aside in a folder called scripts and allow the component maintainer to call it using an npm script called dev


  • Create a folder scripts and add a valid index.html file
  • When calling npm run dev, output the bundled file from esbuild to dist, then load it as a <script> in index.html and also start to run an HTTP server that serves the ./scripts/index.html file on e.g. port 5000
  • Make sure that for preact to execute, when you go to localhost:5000, that it's instantiated and takes over a DOM node render(html<${NominalAllocator} name="World" />, document.body); But keep this logic separated from the component logic in source.

Time estimate

2 - 4h