
NOTE: This repo is deprecated! Its features are implemented in ansible-role-laterooms-utils

Role to install apt repos


Role is currently targetted at Debian / Ubuntu but could be extended to RH/CentOS.

Role Variables

Call the role with the single variable repository for the repo to install.

The repo contains a set of pre-defined repos in defaults/main.yml in the hash 'configured_apt_repositories', to add to this list please open a PR.

To define a new repo you need to following facts:

  • repo url (https prefered)
  • repo gpg signing key (required)



Example Playbook

Example to enable the Debian backports repo

- hosts: servers
     - { role: install-apt-repo, repository: backports }

Supported Repos

  • backports - Debian / Ubuntu backports to allow for newer packages on older distros, only update packages you need.
  • docker - Offical upstream docker packages
  • hwraid - Unoffical hardware raid management tools
  • dell - Dell hardware management tools
  • java - Webupd8team java repo, for oracle JDK / JRE
  • newrelic - New relic repo
  • newrelic-infra - New relic infrastructure repo


The default list should be defined with a _var name and then merged with the main var name to allow for repos to be defined in a play.



Author Information

Supported by I/O team, contact @timf on Slack