[Architecture] Support composing widgets with different message types
TimLariviere opened this issue · 0 comments
In v1, we were exposing dispatch
in the view
function and it was up to the developers to map messages to the right root type.
type Msg =
| SubPageMsg of SubPage.Msg
let view model dispatch =
SubPage.view model.SubModel (SubPageMsg >> dispatch)
This was possible because we weren't strongly typing the views (everything is ViewElement
is a function internal to Fabulous and it's better to not leak it for the view
function where it can be misused.
To avoid this, in v2 we're strongly typing the widgets (eg. ContentPage<SubPage.Msg>
) and Fabulous takes care of dispatching internally without exposing it to the developers.
But this strong typing prevents composing widgets of different msg types.
MainPage.view model.MainPageModel
DetailPage.view model.DetailPageModel // Error: Expected to be ContentPage<MainPage.Msg>, but was ContentPage<DetailPage.Msg>
So to change the msg type from one to another (ContentPage<MainPage.Msg>
=> ContentPage<DetailPage.Msg>
), having a mapping function would be necessary
type Msg =
| MainMsg of MainPage.Msg
| DetailMsg of DetailPage.Msg
Widget.map MainMsg (MainPage.view model.MainPageModel)
Widget.map DetailMsg (DetailPage.view model.DetailPageModel)