Issue with Photo Library ?
Closed this issue · 1 comments
When adding this library to a project, I get this log message in Xcode:
"objc[27911]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x112c2c998) and /Applications/ (0x112a4e880). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined."
To reproduce, create an empty project, add this library with cocoa pods and run.
I had a binary that was rejected this morning because a plist entry was missing for accessing the photo library, eventhough the app does not access the photo library. Could this be related ?
Xcode: 8.2.1
- TOWebViewController (2.2.6):
- TOWebViewController/Core (= 2.2.6)
- TOWebViewController/Core (2.2.6)
- TOWebViewController
TOWebViewController: a29908019f7e0e0f8eccfab8a1ee8dcdf4fc5aac
PODFILE CHECKSUM: e11823658931eb5d678ba0d3243b729c9b46d802
Closing because it looks like it is a generic issue that has nothing to do with this library.