
The bottom toolbar not hiding after screen dismissing any reason.

kishore94 opened this issue · 2 comments

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What was the outcome result you wanted to achieve when using this library?

Expected Results

The screen need to get close all the subview need to destroy.

Actual Results

Toolbar still exist below after the screen is disappears . Please check the attached screenshot below.

Steps to Reproduce

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Hardware / Software

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Hi @kishore94! Sorry for the late reply!

You might need to manually hide the toolbar yourself when popping back from the web view controller. It's a lot of effort for the web view controller to save the state of the UINavigationController before it was pushed, so it's far easier for you to implement it.

In your viewWillAppear method, be sure to add self.toolBarHidden = YES; and that should fix it. :)

Good luck!