
Getting going?

MattOates opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi I'm trying to write a simple bot using your library. The example code you give has a typo at: Net::IRC::DefaultHandlers.new() should be Net::IRC::Handlers::Default.new() after I fixed this I still get an error with the Event class not having a .reply(). Has everything changed since your documentation? Any help you can pass along would be much appreciated. I'll try using the source, in the meantime :) Thanks for your efforts on this! Using a grammar appears to be a really clean mechanism for creating libraries of this kind! Exciting stuff.

No such method 'reply' for invocant of type 'Net::IRC::Event'
in method joined at ./echo.p6:17
in sub METAOP_HYPER_CALL at src/gen/CORE.setting:11943
in block at lib/Net/IRC/Bot.pm:163
in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:5186
in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:5088
in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:5088
in method gimme at src/gen/CORE.setting:5466
in method eager at src/gen/CORE.setting:5445
in method eager at src/gen/CORE.setting:1099
in sub eager at src/gen/CORE.setting:5730
in method do_dispatch at lib/Net/IRC/Bot.pm:161
in block at lib/Net/IRC/Bot.pm:146
in method dispatch at lib/Net/IRC/Bot.pm:115
in method run at lib/Net/IRC/Bot.pm:89
in block at ./echo.p6:29

The panda info for your library reads:

"Net::IRC::Bot" => "0.9"
"State" => "installed"
"Source-url" => "git://github.com/TiMBuS/Net--IRC.git"
"Description" => "An IRC bot framework"
"depends" => []
"description" => "An IRC bot framework"
"name" => "Net::IRC::Bot"
"source-revision" => "99e638d"
"source-type" => "git"
"source-url" => "git://github.com/TiMBuS/Net--IRC.git"
"version" => "0.9"

Your example with my modification looks like (echo.p6):

!/usr/bin/env perl6

use Net::IRC::Bot;

#Roles can let you break up large event handler modules into smaller ones.
role ExtraAnnoying {
has %enemies = ('bob', 'sam', 'chanserv') X=> 1;
#Magical type constraints only let this event be called when $e.who is an enemy
multi method said ($e where {.who ~~ %enemies}) {
$e.reply($e.msg); #Parrot back what was said;

class AnnoyUsers does ExtraAnnoying {
#Will be called when the bot gets a join event
multi method joined ($e) {
$e.reply("Hi there, {$e.who}!");

nick => 'blargh',
server => 'irc.ivixor.net',
channels => <#bots>,

    modules  => (


Ah, yes this is a problem with the documentation. use event.msg("your reply"), which by default contains $.where as the second argument.
I will update the faulty docs, as well as the handler::default bug. Thanks!

Fixed, but I should let you know that the latest rakudo builds have a broken io::socket::inet so, the bot probably still won't work (but it it out of my hands)

Hi Jarrod, thanks for getting back to me it was helpful. I haven't updated to the latest Rakudo build I'm using Star from August which appears to work fine. Just to let you know, I really like the API structure you've decided on with this module, its quite a natural way of interacting with IRC.