
Does not work if run from a worktree

Timmmm opened this issue · 3 comments

If you make a git repository at /foo and then make a worktree at /bar then run autorebase in /bar it fails with a message like this:

• Creating worktree...
Error: process exited with exit code exit code: 128
Command: ["git", "worktree", "add", "--detach", "/bar/.git/autorebase/autorebase_worktree"]
Stdout: Preparing worktree (detached HEAD 7866eaea0a)

Stderr: fatal: could not create leading directories of '/bar/.git/autorebase/autorebase_worktree/.git': Not a directory

I'm seeing a variation of this:

    - Success!
• Rebasing heads/origin ...

Error: process exited with exit code exit status: 128
Command: ["git", "switch", "heads/origin"]
Stderr: fatal: a branch is expected, got 'refs/heads/origin'
hint: If you want to detach HEAD at the commit, try again with the --detach option.

Ah I see... (should read my emails in order!)

Any chance you know how to reproduce this?

No.. it happens on all of my repos.