
wrong reuslt

lucasjinreal opened this issue · 8 comments



the example even not right...

That looks indeed wrong. Can you please share the input mesh with us and let us know, how you obtained that?

@TimoBolkart Hi, the first one the default obj file (although it looks like already weird). I removed the mesh lib using inside since it have a lot of dependencies and some of them are out-of-dated.

Anyway, I found the optimization takes about 10 min to get a wrong result, so I give it up, it can not fit a textured obj from bfm to flame right?

What is the default obj file? It looks weird because the rendering looks from the back at it I guess, so you see the face from the inside. Can you share just that one obj file with me?

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this error. What changes do you have in the code? Are you sure that the file is loaded properly and that vertices are not permuted after loading (Trimesh for instance by default permutes the vertices when loading a mesh)

Running mesh_convert.py for this file gives me following result

And this is the input BFM file rendered with the same view

@TimoBolkart thanks, the first weird pic is directly is via macOS preview application. It looks not quite normal.

You are looking from the back onto the face, just rotate it, then it will look ok.

Closed as there was no further response