
webpack-dedupe-plugin in watch mode with mini-css-extract-plugin

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hello from Aviasales :)

We are trying to use webpack-dedupe-plugin for local development, especially with yarn link. As I can see right now it works only in production mode because normalModuleFactory called only once https://github.com/Tinkoff/tramvai/blob/main/packages/libs/webpack-dedupe-plugin/src/DedupePlugin.ts#L201-L204

We tried to adopt it for watch mode with mini-css-extract-plugin. It doesn't use a child compiler anymore, but we faced a bug: currently within the cache key could be stored different modules with different loaders.


So we added loaders to cache keys:

diff --git a/lib/DedupePlugin.js b/lib/DedupePlugin.js
index 46fefe8e75b7435c0165d3cdbe622253aebdb122..3cd56486a83f3d3e3ea930b89462e7d8c5a12114 100644
--- a/lib/DedupePlugin.js
+++ b/lib/DedupePlugin.js
@@ -128,14 +128,7 @@ class DedupePlugin {
     apply(compiler) {
-        let called = false;
-        // этот хук будет вызываться при каждом создании компилятора, но это создает дубли модулей,
-        // с которыми пока непонятно что делать, поэтому просто игнорируем childCompiler
         compiler.hooks.normalModuleFactory.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (nmf) => {
-            if (called) {
-                return;
-            }
-            called = true;
             nmf.hooks.module.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (module, result) => {
                 // игнорируем все что вне node_modules, т.к. вряд-ли это нужно дедуплицировать или если модуль игнорируем
                 if (!module.resource.includes('node_modules') || this.isIgnoredModule(result)) {
@@ -225,8 +218,10 @@ function createCacheKeyFromNMFResult(nmfResult, useSemver = false) {
     // если semver то используем только мажорную версию пакета
     // если нет, то оставляем полную версию
     const versionForCache = useSemver ? buildCacheVersionFromNMFResult(nmfResult) : version;
+    const loaders = nmfResult.loaders.map(item => item.loader).join('|');
     // ключ = имя + версия + путь к исходному файлу относительно корня либы
-    return `${name}@${versionForCache}:${nmfResult.resourceResolveData.relativePath}`;
+    return `${name}@${versionForCache}:${nmfResult.resourceResolveData.relativePath}:${loaders}`;
  * Получаем основную версию для зависимости по правилу semver `^version`

I understand that you have your own stack and needs so basically I created this issue to give some feedback. But maybe you see how we can support our (and I believe many people too) use case?

Hello, thank you for interest in our plugin.

I'm trying to understand of use case for this plugin in dev mode. As you mentioned yarn link I guess you want to bypass some issues coming when usual and linked dependencies get resolved with different version of some shared library e.g. React. Am I right?

@meskill yeah, react is a great example of it.

Have you considered use other tools like yalc to bypass the yarn link issues?

As for plugin, our main focus was only the production build size reduction and I haven't thought of using it in development. I need to investigate a little more and check that your suggestion to use loaders in cache key is safe. Have you tested updated version in production builds?

@meskill yeah, I just tested it in prod mode. No difference between original and patched versions (I committed the whole dist directory to check it).

Firstly I was thinking about pnpm but it still has the same problems with link.

And also I checked yalc, but I think nothing should touch node_modules except the package manager itself. But the main problem, that developers still need to push changes manually (at least as I understand it). As compromise we can solve it via yarh pack and install local tar which feels like same thing that yalc does.

Ok, we'll think about integrating your suggestion as it might be helpful in some use-cases. thanks for investigating and explanations


@7rulnik, suggested fix was integrated by @meskill and released with 2.93.0 tramvai.

Thanks for your contribution!

Thanks, guys! <3