
Building Slippi Branch on RaspBerry Pi4

nokkkkkk opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi Guy's !

Here is the short story : I'm building a smash melee box with Raspberry pie 4 - 8gb of memory.

Don't say it's impossible I DID IT BUT !

I can compile with CMAKE :
Dolphin and run it with smash(playable)
TINOB Ishiruka run with smash and reallly playable.

Unfortunately the version I need to compile to play online with smash ladder and tournament is : https://github.com/project-slippi/project-slippi don't work...

I've been trying to compile it and got as far as 99% of compilation adding libs..tweaking code... etc...I got really far actually....but cant run it.

Anybody know...WHAT IS the major change that as been done on developing DOLPHIN that makes it run perfect on RaspberyPi4 with ARM64 ARCH CPU...That SLIPPY BRANCH never got to change: that makes it not working and compiling On ARM64 CPU.

Thanks a lot !

Just so you know I did solve a lot about ARM64 CPU as it would not even start the compilation....

PLEASE HELP ! :0) I've been trying for 6 months and about to surrender ! :)

Ps : I can give a ssh acces if ever...if you want to debug it :)

Dang, I'm surprised no one has commented on this. I think it would be incredible to play slippi melee on a Raspberry pi. Make a portable device, with a screen and a retractable controller lol. Could make a handheld slippi machine, or a portable slippi console...The only problem really is the fact that a hardwired ethernet connection is basically required to play slippi online with low latency....maybe wifi in the future will let us play online wirelessly..

Also: Is the Raspberry Pi powerful enough to compute the rollback netplay?

@nokkkkkk Where did you end up with this project? I'm thinking of installing Diet Melee ( https://diet.melee.tv/ ) on a RPI