
Add teldrive

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Hey, I was wondering if it would be possible to add teldrive to the repository. This is a program that allows to mount telegram as a cloud provider and also has a UI to do all of this.

Here is the link to the project:

Thank you for your contribution, I have updated Telegram Drive

Hey @vncloudsco ,
thank you a lot for quickly adding teldrive. 👍

Hey, I got one more question. Would it also be possible to add the special RClone fork that supports teldrive to the market? Running RClone with the "rclone rcd --rc-web-gui" arguments enables the web UI.
Here is the link to the fork:

This would be super nice to have a easy UI to use Rclone alongside TelDrive.

Thanks in advance!

Thank you very much, I will update it right now, sorry for my late reply because I just went through the New Year holiday in Vietnam, happy new year from Vietnam

hello @PeterPan123456 rclone is not suitable to run with this service as it does not have a web user interface, however I will try to find source code that can meet your needs and there tthere can be used with cosmos

alright thank you alot. No need to excuse yourself for taking your time. You are doing all of this in your free time voluntarily. Thanks fot that!

One more thing, I noticed that teldrive isn't updating automatically to the newest version so I checked where your store pulls the latest image from. That seems to be:

ghcr.io/divyam234/teldrive/server (most up to date ver. 1.0.22)

However if I understand the docs of the Teldrive Github right it should be:
ghcr.io/divyam234/teldrive (most up to date ver. 1.14)

I think that the dev of Teldrive changed this.

By default, I have the latest version installed on the source code, so there is no need to update