
Keyboard input not registering.

bobrossrtx opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently, the input from the keyboard is not registered after entering the kernel.
Also can't figure out how to convert key code to ASCII char, Problem.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'path/to/project/'
  2. Enter make into the terminal.
  3. run qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom build/iso/TinyKernel_Bobrossrtx-0.1.3.iso to run the Kernel
  4. See that no chars being printed from keyboard input.

Expected behavior

  • After calling the input() function, it should enter an input mode where the user can type any character on the keyboard and it should then write the character to the buffer.
  • The get_ascii_char() should return the value of the keycode converted to a char. Example: return KEY_A -> 'a'


  • OS: All (Tested on Debain/Kali
  • Version 0.1.3

I've figured out that when spamming a character between the time where you press enter on the grub menu & where the output renders, it will output that character, but a lot, as if it gets stuck inside of a loop: https://imgur.com/X7Lc69W.
One thing with the Enter condition though: It will write "ENTER" to the screen and halt, no more output.
Also, I have noticed that with some changes to the code, it will print (what looks like) a backtick " ` " as you can see here:
Apostrophe: https://imgur.com/TZrT7cO
None: https://imgur.com/l28cpd9