
Download Through Title or other Input Source?

abhi0618 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I've been trying the tool in multiple ways now, and have been finding it quite interesting. I was curious to know if its possible to crawl papers based on their titles , because there are some older papers(older than the year 2000) ,which do not have an associated dois linked with them on scopus.But they are highly cited papers of those journals , and said papers can be found on Scihub through the title search. Was wondering if similiar thing can be achieved through the CLI tool

Downloading papers based on titles has been supported in the new version v1.0.2. You can have a try with this:

# Update to the newest version
$ pip3 install -U scidownl

# Download a paper with its title
$ scidownl download --title "ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks"

Hope it will help you 😃

Hi, I've been trying the tool in multiple ways now, and have been finding it quite interesting. I was curious to know if its possible to crawl papers based on their titles , because there are some older papers(older than the year 2000) ,which do not have an associated dois linked with them on scopus.But they are highly cited papers of those journals , and said papers can be found on Scihub through the title search. Was wondering if similiar thing can be achieved through the CLI tool