
Basic page for creating roles in dashboard

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Acceptance Criteria

  • Displays a form with fields for 'name', 'displayName', 'description'
  • The role must be added to the database
  • An error message must be displayed in case of invalid field or other problem
  • Redirect to dashboard

Implementation Plan

Data Modeling

  • Roles schema

  • id String cuid
  • name String Unique
  • displayName String Unique
  • description String
  • createdAt DateTime
  • updatedAt DateTime

  • User schema update

  • roleId Role

  • make migrations

Basic page for creating roles in dashboard

  • In action, check for existing role on 'name' or 'displayName'
  • Make a zod validation schema
  • Show a global error message if a problem occurs when creating the role
  • Show validation error message on individual field if it is not valid