
Enhanced Dashboard Report List Page By Worker/Workstation

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The Enhanced Dashboard Report List Page By Worker/Workstation includes a link to view the reports list for the corresponding workstation or worker. This enhancement provides quick access to all reports associated with a specific workstation or worker, allowing Team Leaders to review detailed information about reported issues within the context of the selected entity.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Each report item on the Dashboard Report List Page includes a link to view the reports list for the corresponding workstation or worker.
  • Clicking on the link navigates the user to the reports list page for the associated workstation or worker.

Implementation Plan

  • Enhance the report item layout to include a clickable link to view the reports list for the corresponding workstation or worker.
  • Implement logic to dynamically generate the link based on the associated workstation or worker ID.
  • Ensure that clicking on the link navigates the user to the reports list page for the respective workstation or worker.
  • Test the functionality to verify that the links are correctly displayed and navigate to the intended destination.
  • Consider styling options to differentiate the links from other report details for improved user experience.