
Standalone GRIDSS/PURPLE/LINX pipeline

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


The GRIDSS/PURPLE/LINX toolkit takes a pair of match tumour/normal BAM files, and performs somatic genomic rearrangement detection and classificatiion.

  • GRIDSS: performs structural variant calling
  • PURPLE: performs allele specific copy number calling
  • LINX: performs event classification, and visualisation

The simplest way to run the toolkit is through the docker image


The prerequities for running the toolkit depend on whether it is run directly, or through the docker image. If you are using to docker image, only the reference data is required.

Reference data

The toolkit requires multiple reference data sets. These have been packaged into a single download.

reference genome download location
hg19 https://resources.hartwigmedicalfoundation.nl/ then navigate to HMFTools-Resources/GRIDSS-Purple-Linx-Docker/gridss-purple-linx-docker-image-refdata-hg19-Dec2019.tar.gz

External software (local installation)

The following software is required to run to toolkit if installing locally:

R CRAN packages

  • tidyverse
  • assertthat
  • testthat
  • NMF
  • randomForest
  • stringdist
  • stringr
  • argparser
  • R.cache
  • BiocManager
  • Rcpp
  • blob
  • RSQLite
  • cowplot
  • magick

R BioConductor packages

  • copynumber
  • StructuralVariantAnnotation
  • VariantAnnotation
  • rtracklayer
  • BSgenome
  • Rsamtools
  • biomaRt
  • Gviz
  • org.Hs.eg.db

Also required are the TxDb and BSGenome package for your reference genome

  • TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
  • TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene
  • BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
    • This package is included in the hg19 reference data package
  • BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38

Command line arguments

The driver script can be found in the gridss-purple-linx/gridss-purple-linx.sh directory of the release package. When running from docker, this is the docker image entry point.

Required arguments

The following command-line arguments are required:

Argument Description
--tumour_bam tumour BAM file
--normal_bam matched normal BAM file
--sample sample name
--snvvcf A somatic SNV VCF with the AD genotype field populated.
--nosnvvcf Indicates a somatic SNV VCF will not be supplied.

Note that only one of Only one of --snvvcf or --nosnvvcf should be specified. As not supplying a somatic SNV VCF results reduces PURPLE performance, this file must be explicitly omitted via --nosnvvcf.

Optional arguments

The driver script has many optional arguments. The default values match those required to run the Docker image using the hg19 reference data. The docker image assumes the output directory is /data, and the reference data package is located in /refdata

Argument Description Default
--output_dir output directory /data/
--threads number of threads to use. number of cores available
--normal_sample sample name of matched normal ${sample}_N
--tumour_sample sample name of tumour. Must match the somatic --snvvcf sample name. ${sample}_T
--jvmheap maximum java heap size for high-memory steps 25g
--ref_dir path to decompressed reference data package. /refdata

Reference data paths

These reference data paths are all relative to --ref_dir. The default values match those required of the hg19 reference data.

Argument Description Default
--reference reference genome refgenomes/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.GATK.illumina/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.GATK.illumina.fasta
--repeatmasker repeatmasker .fa.out file for reference genome refgenomes/dbs/repeatmasker/hg19.fa.out
--blacklist Blacklisted regions dbs/gridss/ENCFF001TDO.bed
--bafsnps bed file of het SNP locations used by amber. dbs/germline_het_pon_hg19/GermlineHetPon.hg19.bed
--gcprofile .cnp file of GC in reference genome. 1k bins dbs/gc/GC_profile.1000bp.cnp
--gridsspon GRIDSS PON dbs/gridss/pon3792v1
--viralreference viral reference database (fasta format) refgenomes/human_virus/human_virus.fa
--rlib R library path that include correct BSgenome package rli)
--viral_hosts_csv viral contig to name lookup dbs/sv/viral_host_ref.csv
--fusion_pairs_csv known driver gene fusions dbs/knowledgebases/output/knownFusionPairs.csv
--promiscuous_five_csv known promiscuous gene fusions dbs/knowledgebases/output/knownPromiscuousFive.csv
--promiscuous_three_csv known promiscuous gene fusions dbs/knowledgebases/output/knownPromiscuousThree.csv
--fragile_sites known fragile sites dbs/sv/fragile_sites_hmf.csv
--line_elements known LINE donor sites dbs/sv/line_elements.csv
--replication_origins replication timing BED file dbs/sv/heli_rep_origins.bed
--ensembl_data_dir ensemble data cache dbs/ensembl_data_cache
--install_dir root directory of gridss-purple-linx release package /opt/

Example Usage (COLO829 cell line)

Let us assume the following:

  1. Your sample is in /home/user/colo829_example
File Description
COLO829T_dedup.realigned.bam Tumour sample (COLO829T cell line)
COLO829T_dedup.realigned.bam.bai BAM index
COLO829R_dedup.realigned.bam Matched normal (COLO829BL cell line)
COLO829R_dedup.realigned.bam.bai BAM index
COLO829.somatic_caller_post_processed.vcf.gz strelka somatic calls

and your stelka somatic sample name is COLO829_T

  1. You have downloaded and decompressed the hg19 reference gridss-purple-linx-docker-image-refdata-hg19.tar.gz to /home/user/refdata/

  2. You have downloaded the gridss-purple-linx release to /home/user/gridss-purple-linx/ (Not required if using docker image)


This simplest way to run the pipeline is through the docker image. The docker images assumes the following:

  • The reference data is mounted read/write in /refdata
  • The input/output directory is mounted read/write in /data

To run the docker image on the above example, the following docker command line would be used:

docker run --ulimit nofile=100000:100000 \
	-v /home/user/refdata/:/refdata \
	-v /home/user/colo829_example/data/ \
	gridss/gridss-purple-linx:latest \
	-n /data/COLO829R_dedup.realigned.bam \
	-t /data/COLO829T_dedup.realigned.bam \
	-s COLO829 \
	--snvvcf /data/COLO829.somatic_caller_post_processed.vcf.gz

The ulimit increase is due to GRIDSS multi-threading using many file handles.


To run the toolkit directly, one would use the following command-line:

export GRIDSS_JAR=$install_dir/gridss/gridss-${GRIDSS_VERSION}-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar
export AMBER_JAR=$install_dir/hmftools/amber-${AMBER_VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar
export COBALT_JAR=$install_dir/hmftools/count-bam-lines-${COBALT_VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar
export PURPLE_JAR=$install_dir/hmftools/purity-ploidy-estimator-${PURPLE_VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar
export LINX_JAR=$install_dir/hmftools/sv-linx-${LINX_VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar

$install_dir/gridss-purple-linx/gridss-purple-linx.sh \
	-n ~/colo829_example/COLO829R_dedup.realigned.bam \
	-t ~/colo829_example/COLO829T_dedup.realigned.bam \
	-s COLO829 \
	--snvvcf ~/colo829_example/COLO829.somatic_caller_post_processed.vcf.gz \
	--ref_dir ~/refdata \
	--install_dir $install_dir \
	--rundir ~/colo829_example


Outputs are located in subdirectories of --output_dir corresponding to each of the tools. Consult the tool documentation for details of the output file formats:

Memory/CPU usage

Running it's default settings, the pipeline will use 25GB of memory and as many cores are available for the multi-threaded stages (such as GRIDSS assembly and variant calling). These can be overridden using the --jvmheap and --threads argumennts. A minimum of 14GB of memory is required and at least 3GB per core should be allocated. Recommended settings are 8 threads and 25gb heap size (actual memory usage will be slightly higher than heap size).


My BAM were aligned to a different reference. What should I do?

If your reference genome does not match exactly, then GRIDSS will fail with an error. If your reference genomes is just a different version of hg19, then you'll need to make the reference in the BAM and the ref_data match. To correct this, you can do one of the following:

  • Realign your reads to the reference genome supplied with the reference data
  • Use a different reference genome using the --reference parameter
    • WARNING: bed, bedpe, and csv will need to be converted to use a chr if your reference uses a chr prefix
  • Translate your BAM match the supplied reference
    • WARNING: Tools like samtools reheader cannot reorder chromosomes. Make sure your chromosome order matches.
    • WARNING: Not recommended. I'm not aware of any tool that correctly translates SA tags. If you were to do this, you'd need to strip out the SA tags and remove all secondary and supplementary alignments and leave it to GRIDSS to re-identify the split reads (which it does).