
overflow (int32) decode an nbt (schematic file) with very large number of blocks (3192890994=3501*194*4701)

CMA2401PT opened this issue · 5 comments

overflow when decode an nbt (schematic file) with very large number of blocks (3192890994=35011944701)

at nbt/decode.go ,line 190:

case TagByteArray:
aryLen, err := d.readInt32() <- overflow here, get -1102076302= 0xbe4fa672(int32), but expected to be 3192890994 = 0xbe4fa672(uint32)

    if err != nil {
        return err
    if aryLen < 0 { <- then error
        return errors.New("byte array len less than 0")

version is go-mc@1.7.0, but it seems current version has same error since it still reads an int32

could you please consider change it to an uint32?
something like:
aryLenInt32, err := d.readInt32()

Tnze commented

It could be changed. But are you sure it can solve the problem you meet? Such a large array?

Tnze commented

According to, the TAG_Byte_Array prefixes a signed integer.

yes, already solved
if it is necessary, I can send the schematic file to you

here is the commit in the relevant project:

Tnze commented

Can other nbt implement handle your file?

you are right, it seems that the author of this schematic file omit the standard you mentioned to save such large area… sorry for this issue