
Crash on opening morph menu

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Mod loader


Minecraft version


Remorphed version


Woodwalkers version


CraftedCore version


Modloader version


The latest.log file

Issue description

When accessing the morph menu, the game crashes. This happened to me in survival, while transformed into a pig.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Enter world
  2. Attempt to access morph menu


Possibly a conflict with EMF? But the crash report seems to be unrelated to it, idk.

Try Minecraft version 1.20.1 - 47.2.0 bro, I have no problems, also for your information, the recommended forg version for 1.20.1 is 47.2.0.

It should also support 47.2.0, try it because most mods are made for that. "It doesn't hurt to try"

Of course I respect it, I'm just saying, I made a lot of mistakes too, I wrote like you, I said it, don't worry, I just wrote it to help you.

Alright guys, I just went through some code. I'm not one hundret percent sure, but I think I was able to fix it as of c8099b5.
It was probably caused since I messed around with the background code of the menu in the latest updates (and in the upcoming one ;D ).

I'll try to release the next minor update (with the fix) within this week.