
SDL Controller not working in Mupen64Plus

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So while using Mupen64 I have added the controller to the list of SDL game controllers, however when I open up the emulator I get no response from the controller. Intrestingly enough rumble works if I press the comma key or the peirod key on my keyboard. I get the following input messages from the emulator:
UI-Console: using Input plugin: 'Mupen64Plus SDL Input Plugin' v2.0.0
Input Warning: parsing error in key() parameter of button 'DPad R' for controller 1
Input Warning: parsing error in key() parameter of button 'DPad L' for controller 1
Input Warning: parsing error in key() parameter of button 'DPad D' for controller 1
Input Warning: parsing error in key() parameter of button 'DPad U' for controller 1
Input Warning: parsing error in key() parameter of button 'Start' for controller 1
Input Warning: parsing error in key() parameter of button 'B Button' for controller 1
Input Warning: parsing error in key() parameter of button 'A Button' for controller 1
Input: N64 Controller #1: Using auto-config with SDL joystick 0 ('Wii U GameCube Adapter Port 1')
Input: 1 controller(s) found, 1 plugged in and usable in the emulator
Input: Rumble activated on N64 joystick #1
Input Warning: Couldn't open rumble support for joystick #2
Input Warning: Couldn't open rumble support for joystick #3
Input Warning: Couldn't open rumble support for joystick #4
Input: Mupen64Plus SDL Input Plugin version 2.0.0 initialized.
I have tried this with a few different games and I get the same result. Help is appreciated, Thanks.

That looks like your mupen64 config file has formatting errors.

What kind of formatting errors are we talking about?

It's an error with your mupen64plus configuration file, most likely nothing to do with wii-u-gc-adapter itself.