
Adapter Not Detected Ubuntu Dolphin

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Service is running and I tried "modprobe uinput" and running dolphin as root, but the adapter in Wii U or PC mode (Mayflash 4-port) is not detected :(

I have RetroPie on this computer and it works great there, just on Ishiiruka Dolphin, it's not detected.

● gamecube.service - Wii U Gamecube Adapter
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/gamecube.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-05-16 01:07:10 EDT; 28min ago
Main PID: 822 (wii-u-gc-adapte)
Tasks: 3 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/gamecube.service
└─822 /usr/local/bin/wii-u-gc-adapter

May 16 01:07:10 zacheri-ubuntu systemd[1]: Started Wii U Gamecube Adapter.
May 16 01:27:32 zacheri-ubuntu wii-u-gc-adapter[822]: adapter 0x0x7fe180006470 connected

Just so you know, you don't actually need this driver to use the gamecube adapter with Dolphin. Technically, you should be able to use this driver, but Dolphin has native support, which will give you more accurate controls (stick mapping, poll rate, lag, etc). To use the native support, follow the instructions HERE, you'll need to add an additional udev rule to linux or it will not detect so make sure you follow the instructions.

@neonfuz I did it as the instructions said there and added the udev rule, but it still doesn't show up in Dolphin. I'm having the same Problem as OP.

Still ain't working, even from #21 and #12

Ubuntu 20.04

Edit; formatting and ahem @ToadKing

@Zacheri Can you give output of uname -a?

Also, run dmesg -w and plug in the adapter, post all the new lines that come up.

Possibly your adapter has a different ID that isn't being caught by the udev rule?