
libusb_interrupt_transfer: LIBUSB_ERROR_IO

Opened this issue · 4 comments


When i try to run this program i get the following:

pi@Retropie:~/wii-u-gc-adapter$ sudo ./wii-u-gc-adapter
adapter 0x55c856357840 connected
libusb_interrupt_transfer: LIBUSB_ERROR_IO

Does anyone know a fix for this issue?
I'm runngin Ubuntu 20.04 with Retropie (using Dolphin)

That looks like an error deeper in the USB stack, not sure how (or even if) I can help with that.

Can you try it on different USB ports, or a different machine?

I am also getting this error
running on a nintendo switch under ubuntu bionic

note: the the adapter works on dolphin under the direct gamecube input mode which I know is very different than this

oh, hmm
I rebuilt it and now it works fine

I too have this same problem. Rebuiling from repo is no help and the kernel is already up to date.
I'm running the stock Debian retropie with the genuine nintendo adapter that came with Smash Bros for switch.
(Linux retropie 5.10.17-v71+ armv71
libusb-1.0-1 is on version 2:1.0.22-2
libudev-dev is on version 241-7
libudev0 is on version 175-7.2
libudev1 is on version 241-7)