
[Bug] Something went wrong while downloading. File could be corrupted

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Error when downloading the extension

Error log from console
Something went wrong while downloading. File could be corrupted

To Reproduce
Just did de usual /f extension download and this is the error I get... have also tried downloading the .jar and placing it on Extensions folder manually but regardless of the way I do it, this happens:
Turns out that despite the fact that I claim only one chunk, it appears on dynmap as if I've claimed the whole screen, even bigger than the map.

Version (please complete the following information):
I've tried both versions, none of them worked

Okay, will check the checksum if the extensions. Usually this error happens when the file got corrupted while downloading, which gets checked using sha256.

For dynmap, have you finished full rendering your map? It doesn't work properly when the map isn't fullrendered and finished fullrenderinf

hmm you might have gotten me there! I'm not really experienced and knowledgeable about dynmap but it said at first it finished the fullrender of world 'flat' and started doing a surface render... when zoomed in, all the chunks/tiles are rendered but when zoomed out, only a couple that a player has stayed on for a couple minutes.

Would you happen to know what this means? it has been like that ever since it theoretically ended the fullrender for the 'flat'

The world is still rendering, as it says at the end. Looks like you got a big world.

Usually, when you run the server overnight dynmap should finish (Depending your settings)