
Error in COCO Dataset

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The dataset that you have linked in the project is giving errors. I had to download the original dataset from the official site again to make it work. Please look into this matter.

Thank you for opening this issue, I just tested README-Step 1 to download the coco-data from the reference [3] in README: With Google Chrome, download finished with no errors.
Can you please provide me some additional information to reproduce the issue?
Thanks in advance!

Actually when I downloaded it and tried to open with Coco API it was giving error that 'can't load the annotations then I redownloaded the dataset from the Coco website and it was not giving error

Thank you, my documentation in was very misleading, sorry for the circumstances! I will correct it.
After downloading and unzipping the annotations, please configure in file cartoon-gan/ the path where the unzipped annotations folder lies,
but only the root-folder of annotations.
Example: Download and unzip annotations was to /tmp/annotations/, then please modify the line from "." to "/tmp" (no "annotations" needed")
[Edit: I was hitting RETURN to early, was in the middle of writing]
[Multiple other Edits: made some better additions to the info I wrote]

Documentation updated

I hope this helps to solve your issue?

Yeah thanks a lot

Great, thank you for helping me making this repo better by having opened this issue!

I'll close it now, best regards