
[Suggestion] Wireless hopper connections

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Not sure if you're taking suggestions but I thought I'd give it a go anyway:

Since ExclusiveHoppers seems to be an undetermined amount of time away, it'd be nice if MF Hoppers offered the ability to wirelessly transfer items between hoppers or hoppers to containers. Given how awful Vanilla hopper performance is, this'd be a decent way to improve tick-time since there will, obviously, be less hoppers on the server.

I'd make a PR but I'm not too clued up on Async tasks and am not even sure if this'd be thread-safe. Were it to not be done with async in-mind, I imagine simply cloning the ItemStack, deleting the original and then placing the copied one into the inventory of the linked hopper should suffice. I imagine the harder part would be linking the hoppers together...

Its already a thing
Use /linkhopper

Oh, damn, my bad. I couldn't see anything like that from the SpigotMC page. I'll download now, cheers!

EDIT: Seems like it only links the custom hoppers though? My suggestion was moreso directed at all hoppers - even vanilla ones. Unless I'm doing something wrong but I'm hovering over a hopper and it's saying "Make sure you're looking at a hopper to link it!"

Its linking with nealy everything that has an inventory

Its only linking mfhoppers with other stuff

Yeah, that's what I assumed. My suggestion was, like I say, to maybe allow support for linking of Vanilla hoppers to containers. Do you think you could consider implementing that?

Nope, but I can add a new hoppertype normal, so the other stuff is off on this hopper

If you're happy to then that'd be great.

Take your time. And I appreciate it.

Create a ticket in discord to get the build