
Spyder 5.2.0 (installed with Conda) complains about missing dependency: Rtree >= 0.9.7 : None (NOK)

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Using conda 4.10.3 on Windows 10 64-bit.

Installed Spyder 5.2.0 from conda-forge, and rtree 0.9.7 was downloaded and deployed automatically. So far so good. However, shortly after starting Spyder the missing dependency error pops up.

Copying the missing spatialindex_c-64.dll to ...miniconda3\envs\<env name>\Lib\site-packages\rtree is a suitable workaround, which suggests that the problem is with how rtree looks for the dll.

It seems to me that the root of the issue is in Line 58 is currently :

rt = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(path, lib_name))

but I think it should rather read

rt = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(lib_name)

In my case at least this solves the problem.

@bghadam, folks,
Line 58 is for == 'nt', == 'posix' is farther down.
On Macos 10.14 with Miniconda3-py37_4.10.3-MacOSX-x86_64.pkg I had to

cd /opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rtree
ln -s /opt/miniconda3/lib/libspatialindex_c.6.1.1.dylib libspatialindex_c.dylib

(Imho, it would be nice if rtree wheels just worked, i.e. had the .dylib inside.
Maybe this used to work, see the comments in rtree;
the finder approach is almost impossible to test thoroughly, so breaks easily, and does break.)


@bghadam, folks, Line 58 is for == 'nt', == 'posix' is farther down.

I am using Windows, so this is the bit that applies to my situation.

Got hit with the same issue on Windows. I can confirm my problem is that I'm using 32-bits Python 3.10, and there's no wheels published for this combination. Just like #245, I think in this case setup should just die, not pretend it has the library.