
Awesome valle FAB with Speed Dial Web Component using Polymer 2x

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Awesome valle FAB with Speed Dial

Travis CI Status Published on webcomponents.org

How to install and use:

1 - Install the element using Bower:

$ bower install valle-speed-dial --save

2 - Import the elements:

<link rel="import" href="bower_components/valle-speed-dial/valle-speed-dial.html">
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/valle-speed-dial/valle-speed-dial-action.html">

3 - Start using it!

<valle-speed-dial backdrop>
  <valle-speed-dial-action label="copy" label-direction="left"></valle-speed-dial-action>
  <valle-speed-dial-action label="print" label-direction="left"></valle-speed-dial-action>



Property Type Default Description
direction String up Speed Dial direction (up / down / left / right)
backdrop Boolean false Allow backdrop effect
label String '' Label for screen readers
icon String '' Custom icon url


The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling:

Custom property Default Description
--valle-speed-dial-fab-color #00b0ba Toggle button background color
--valle-speed-dial-pressed-color #00676d Toggle button background color (Pressed)
--valle-speed-dial-default-icon-color #ffffff Toggle button default icon color
--valle-speed-dial-backdrop-color rgba(0,0,0,.8) Backdrop color



Property Type Default Description
label-direction String '' Allow floating label (left / right)
label String '' Text for floating label and screen readers
icon String '' Custom icon url
sloted Boolean false Allow inline icon (slot)


The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling:

Custom property Default Description
--valle-speed-dial-action-fab-color #00b0ba Mini button background color
--valle-speed-dial-action-default-icon-color #ffffff Mini button default icon color
--valle-speed-dial-action-label-bg-color #f5f5f5 Float label background color
--valle-speed-dial-action-label-text-color #000000 Float label text color
--valle-speed-dial-action-label {} Float label @apply mixin

Browser Support

Using the webcomponents.js:

Chrome Opera Firefox Safari IE Edge
Latest ✔ Latest ✔ Latest ✔ Latest ✔ 11+ Latest ✔


1 - Install Bower & Polymer-CLI:

$ [sudo] yarn global add bower polymer-cli

2 - Install local dependencies:

$ bower install

3 - Start the development server:

$ polymer serve

Go to localhost:8080/components/valle-speed-dial/



Linting with eslint:

$ [sudo] yarn global add eslint
$ [sudo] yarn global add eslint-plugin-html

$ eslint *.html

Linting with polylint:

$ polymer lint

Unit tests

Install the Web Component Tester (WCT) test runner:

$ [sudo] yarn global add web-component-tester

Run tests:

$ wct


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MIT License © valleweb