
Only dependencies are considered, no devDependencies

eichiflSICKAG opened this issue · 4 comments

Is it right, that this tool only generates disclaimers for dependencies, but not devDependencies or am I missing something?
Would be nice, to have an option for that!

Hey @eichiflSICKAG, yes it is correct that this tool only looks at your dependencies. This is because they are the only packages that you distribute. There's no need for you to distribute the licenses for your devDependencies because you don't distribute your devDependencies with your product.

However we'd be interested to hear if you have a specific use-case for needing your devDependencies to be included?

I wanted to use this plugin as replacement for yarn generate-disclaimer and this looks into devDependencies as well I think, no?

Hey @eichiflSICKAG

Yeah, this library/CLI is a great alternative to the generate-disclaimer Yarn sub-command. I've had a look and sure enough it seems that Yarn do include devDependencies in their output, however, we're not sure why they've done that.

Do you have a particular use-case where you require the devDependencies to be in the output? As I touched on above, if you're using this package and/or the Yarn generate-disclaimer sub-command to create a file that you ship with your product to ensure you adhere to your dependencies licenses, then it's fine to not include the devDependencies because you're not distributing them.

Hey @eichiflSICKAG

I'm going to close this issue for now because it's unclear to us if there's a valid use-case for wanting the devDependencies in the output.

If you (or anyone reading this) has a strong reason for why devDependencies should be included (or configurable), then please do reply below and we can re-open this.

Thanks :)