
Zero-area changeset

Opened this issue · 2 comments

A changeset that only touches a node without moving it can have min_lat=max_lat and min_lon=max_lon.

These are currently encoded as polygons, but zero-area polygons are very hard to make normally. e.g. this SQL doesn't work on those changesets

UPDATE osm_changeset_40m
  SET geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_Makebox2d(ST_MakePoint(min_lon, min_lat), ST_MakePoint(max_lon, max_lat)),4326)::geometry(Polygon,4326)
  WHERE geom IS NULL;;

Would it be better to have these as points and change the geometry constraint to geometry(Geometry,4326)?

And for those (quite improbable, but still) where one coordinate is equal? These should be a line, then?

I never saw this issue as a problem. The way I see it, your query fails because ST_Makebox2d returns a BOX2D which is a different data type from geometry. Instead of casting, you could just build a geometry straight off, e.g.

select st_astext(st_setsrid(st_makeenvelope(0, 0, 0, 0),4326))

which gives you POLYGON((0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0))

I personally don't like mixed geometries, so I'm OK with storing everything with polygon geometries, and filtering these cases with st_isvalid, which will obviously be false for those cases you mention. If for some reason I ever need the point (or line) representation of these changesets, I can always use st_makevalid to get those point geometries.

BTW, from the wiki, this is how API_v06 behaves so I'm not even sure if we should see 1 dimension bounding boxes. (I don't currently have a changeset dump imported so can't check).

As an optimisation the server will create a buffer slightly larger than the objects to avoid having to update the bounding box too often. Thus a changeset may have a different bounding box than its reversion, and the distance between bounding box and the next node may not be constant for all four directions.