
A C# (.NET) program with GUI that solves the classic Robot Navigation problem.

Primary LanguageC#

A C# (.NET) program with GUI that solves the classic Robot Navigation problem.

The following search algorithms were implemented:

  • Depth-First Search
  • Breadth-First Search
  • Greedy Best First Search
  • A*
  • Bidirectional Search
  • Iterative Deepening A*

Please refer to the report about:

  • How to run the application
  • Details of the algorithms and their implementations
  • Results of test cases
  • Bugs found

Note: You will need the Splashkit library and .NET 6.0 or above to run the application

Sample images of working application:

  • The $\color{red}{red}$ box shows the initial position of the robot
  • The $\color{green}{green}$ boxes show the goal positions
  • The $\color{blue}{blue}$ boxes show the optimal path to the nearest goal

Base State