
General post-processing function for plots

AngelaKTE opened this issue · 0 comments

Write a general function to transform dataframe zero to newdataframe for a specific plots.

When running the cadCAD we'll produce a dataframe ("dataframe zero") that will always have the same structure:

  • per timestep (=rows)
  • a) token_a_balance...
  • b) token_b_balance ...etc
  • c) token_a_weight
  • d) token_b_weight...etc
  • e) token_a_denorm_weight
  • f) token_b_denorm_weight...etc
  • g) generated_fees
  • h) pool_shares
  • i) token_a_value
  • j) token_b_value...etc

After this step we'll create various plots, like comparing total TVL with liquidity (total number of tokens in the pool).

So the general procedure is:
take dataframe zero and create a newdataframe (e.g. named "c191) for simulation C1.9.1 in the notebook based on it:

  • compute TVL: take token_a_value+token_b_value...etc; and create a new column (TVL) to add TVL for every timestep(row)
  • compute liquidity: take token_a_balance+token_b_balance...etc; and create a new column(liq) to add liquidity for every timestep

and then plot a chart using newdataframe values:

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