
Add a way to raise height at the bottom of a cliff without also raising it at the top

tcoxon opened this issue · 2 comments


Currently, if you have a steep cliff in your terrain and use the raise tool to increase height at the bottom of it, the terrain at the top is also raised. This creates a sharp 'lip' at the top:



Obviously these examples are very exaggerated, but the 'lip' is noticeable in smoother terrain. The opposite also happens when the lower terrain tool is used at the top of a cliff.

Lips can be fixed by using the flatten tool, but it's a bit annoying to have to do another pass over them when making small adjustments at the bottom of a cliff.

It's not really incorrect behavior, so I've reported this as a feature request. I think my intuitive expectation would be for the raise/lower tool brushes to have a vertical extent, in addition to the extents along the X and Z axes. Not sure exactly how that would be determined though.

Are you willing to help create this feature?


There isn't a way currently. Those steep vertical inclines are not recommended to have in your game.

  • The vertical wall stretches the vertices which stretches the texture and the collision mesh.
  • The player may be able to pop through the cliff wall when it's like that.
  • The meshes often flicker when you have perfectly vertical 90 degree meshes. Not sure why, it probably has to do with the normal calculation.

The way I would handle this is to smooth the cliff which will condense the vertices and make the cliff wall more of an 80-85 degree angle. I'd also include bumps and height variation so it's not completely smooth. Then I'd flatten the top again if I wanted more of a sharp edge.

3D projection can fix the texture stretching. #65

I'm all for improving the tools as they're all clunky. If you want to add this, fine. But the other problems remain.