
Split color map into two 3-3-2 RGB encoded values.

Xtarsia opened this issue · 2 comments


This would allow seperate color map values for base and overlay with near 0 visual loss in quality due to how the color map is currently used and interpolated anyways.

currently we have 24 bits color, and 8 bits roughness.

this could instead be
8 bits color (base) + 4bits mix value
8 bits color (overlay) + 4bits mix value
8 bits roughness. (unchanged)

This would also allow something more flexible than the current subtractive multiply.

refrence shot from wikipedia:

just throwing this here for something to potentially look at later on.

So this would give us 8 extra bits to do whatever. What do you have in mind? 🤔

I do intend to change the roughness from (0-.5 = less rough, .5-1 = more rough) to (0-.5 less rough, .5-1 puddle [flatting normals]).

If we don't use them for mix values sure.