
red page

Closed this issue · 7 comments

There is red page while loading or refreshing.

It's background color to show while background image is loading. You want to change it? I don't understand the problem.

Yes, can I change to other color like white or black because it seems more match the theme. Or even add some loading page.

@godofhand You can alter the background color by navigating to variables.scss within the _sass directory and altering the $bodycolor variable to whatever color you desire.

Somewhat related is that on mobile when scrolling, the background jitters and the red is exposed creating a really ugly effect.

@chrstntdd Thanks for help, problem solved. Is there a way to prevent to show the $bodycolor? or replace it with some progress bar.

It lasts for a split second why would you want a progress bar?

@libeclipse I see same thing on mobile, for my case it's because address bar hiding while scrolling. I looked for a solution but couldn't find a clean one.

@godofhand Jekyll sites are too fast for a loading animation.